Meet Our Team
We are a family that likes to create.
Amanda is the brains and creative force that started it all. She started Mandybelle's 13 years ago. She started out baking and eventually moved on to crafting and now selling glitter and supplies.
The husband. The tech guy. The one that runs the laser. Nuff said.
The crazy pre-teen son that helps when he can. He gives us ideas on what the younger buyers may want and helps us organize the chaos. He plans on running the social media side of things.
The tabby. The lone female cat that wants attention and to be left alone at the same time. She sleeps on Amanda's head at night.
Black cat #1. A little bit dainty and a looks like Master Splinter. He just goes about his business no matter who is around.
Black cat #2. AKA Fatso. He wakes us up when he is ready for food (usually around 5am) with howling and kneading and when that doesn't work he makes as much noise as possible. Then he steals the other cats' food.
The newest member. Part German Shepard, part Lab, part Husky, and 100% adorable. He sleeps on the couch and loves is loves the smell of coffee because he thinks he is getting a pup cup.