Store Opening Soon

Store Opening Soon

I can't believe we are so close to opening the website and store. This has been a crazy and exciting few months. Here is a quick rundown on how this happened.

Late October - we purchased the stock of glitter and supplies from Pair-a-dice

November - we sorted through all the glitter, making spreadsheets and trying to figure out what we just got ourselves into. Then Thanksgiving hit and we were at a standstill for about a week.

December - Pictures, pictures and more pictures. Taking photos of glitter is not easy. In between taking photos I have been trying to get the website set up and operational. Not to mention we also relabeled each bag. 

We also participated in multiple craft fairs during this time. Plus, had a birthday party for our son. We've been a little busy.

Its been exciting and exhausting but mostly just time consuming. I don't know how often I will make a blog but I figured I would at least post one to show what we've been up to.

- Brandon was the author of this blog post.

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